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Christoph Dostal


Christoph Dostal lives and works as actor and coach in both Los Angeles and Vienna (Austria). Highlights of his acting career so far are the lead role in the movie For God and Country by W. Murnberger, his appearance in the TV show Band of Brothers by S. Spielberg and T. Hanks, his series regular role in the TV show Forbidden Love, the lead role in the movie WiNWiN by D. Hoesl, a world tour with his one-man-shows The Bone Man and The Way Dogs Do, the lead role in the classic theater play The Wastrel, written by F. Raimund and directed by C. Spatzek. Christoph Dostal was the artistic director of the Stadttheater Wiener Neustadt for five years and teaches On Camera Acting, The Business of Acting and Corporate Camera Training. He received his training at the London Contemporary Dance School, at the Ivana Chubbuck Studio in Los Angeles, from On Camera Acting Coach MK Lewis and at the Vienna Conservatory.




Current Acting Sizzle Reel





Christoph Dostal shares with great passion the professional experience he has made as an actor for over more than 25 years in the German, British and American film and TV industry. He teaches at various institutions and acting schools and also gives private classes and one-on-one coaching. His credo: Focusing on the strengths (not the weaknesses) and the uniqueness of each individual, overcoming fears and sharing the passion for acting. And most importantly - all that with utter respect for everyone involved!


The home office and with it the importance of corporate video is the new normal! However, are you really ready to step in front of the camera? If not, this tailor-made crash course for a professional appearance on all things corporate video might be for you. Christoph Dostal teaches the most important ‘film acting techniques’ and offers guidance on setting up your own affordable home or corporate video studio as well as on the use of camera angles, lighting, sound and background design.





  • Defining career goals in a seemingly unmanageable market

  • Guidance on marketing material: Headshots, resume, reel

  • Developing an effective and tailored marketing strategy

  • Do’s and Dont’s during the audition process, on set and in post

  • Self-tape know-how: The new normal of auditioning

  • Technical guidance on setting up your affordable home film studio

  • Use the dreaded ‘Type Casting’ to your advantage

  • Get to know your type: How does the industry see you?

  • Know-how on national and international casting platforms

  • Acting unions, royalties and industry associations 

  • Social media: A great career tool for actors

  • Linguistic and cultural barriers: European versus US market

  • Practicing professional live online auditions

  • Mastering interviews with international casting directors & agents

  • Kick start your career by creating your own content

  • Maintaining a positive mindset in one of the toughest businesses



  • Acting in film and TV -  a craft of its own

  • Framing: Close up, medium shot, multi camera 

  • Developing a sensibility for the camera

  • Scene work from current, international films & TV shows

  • Script analysis for the actor

  • Analysis of filmed scenes and on camera exercises

  • Self-tapes: Directing your own performance

  • Blocking your scene for the camera

  • ‘The First Orientation’: Your anchor in every scene

  • Techniques to bring the environment of a scene to life

  • Techniques called ‘Falls Exit’ and ‘Rule of Numbers’

  • Marks & Matching: Practicing physical precision

  • ‘Less is more’: Emotional credibility

  • Techniques to consciously increase the dramatic tension

  • Making a small role more substantial with the ‘reaction shot’

  • Rhythm and pacing in your line delivery 

  • Rehearsed but still ‘in the moment’

  • Cold reading techniques

  • Different TV formats - different acting styles

  • Confidently ‘Making strong choices’ in your performance

  • ‘Slating’: The short presentation in front of the camera

  • Your answer to - ‘Tell us about yourself’!

  • Practicing the standard American and the British Accent



The tailored crash course for a professional appearance on all things corporate video

  •   The home office is the new normal but are you really ready?

  •   Film know-how for all things corporate video

  •   Getting ‘camera ready’ with a basic on camera acting training

  • Your personality on camera as seen by the others

  • How to set up your affordable home/corporate video studio





Tel. USA: +1 (323) 348 7482
Tel. EUROPE: +43 660 3101040
Mail: mail@christophdostal.com





Representing the Performing Arts
Talent & Literary Agency 

Tel: +1 818 618 0630     Email: info@gregorydavidmayo.com

8265 Sunset Blvd., Suite 207B
West Hollywood, CA 90046