Yves Jambo

For me it was a sense of direction, it was such a concise way of showing us, and letting us feel how the business works, and the roads one can individually go. In this convoluted business how I always perceived it, he narrowed it down, and gave us the view for the possible direction - whilst believing and bringing out what we already had in us, in our biography, in our being.

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Sonja Chan

Christoph Dostal is not only a great actor, but also a great coach and teacher. He has given me very helpful personal notes and helped me finding more depth in my work as an actress. Oh, and I want to mention that he has helped me a lot with booking my first big project! I am very grateful for the work we had done initially and by now I work with him on a regular basis as my acting coach for film and TV projects. Thank you so very much, Christoph! :)

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Sandip Sangha

I already knew in our first lesson that this man was full of wisdom regarding the movie industry, solely the way he handles himself was truly an inspiration to me. The lessons that Christoph gave us were thoughtful & fun. I was amazed by the output of knowledge and information in every single lesson! Everything he said was applicable. It was an absolute honor to learn from him.

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Lena Rose

It was an honor and truly inspiring to work with Christoph Dostal. One very quickly notices that he is not only an expert and extremely knowledgeable in the field of acting in film/TV and on stage, but also that he is a person that has worked hard, and shares his experiences in a mindful and respectful way. He, indeed, showed me ways of tackling a role and a scene, but also the Business of/behind Acting, that definitely brought me to a new level of seeing myself as an actress and human being.

Lena Rose

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Mario Klein

Christoph is an excellent and competent master coach who is responsive to every individual in the course with a great deal of sensitivity and professionalism. He meets everyone with respect and at eye level. For me the course was extremely enriching - both professionally as well as interpersonally. Within a very short amount of time one could witness a huge development with everybody and be excited about that as a group. Christoph also gives everybody the feeling that as an actor one doesn’t have to live the life of a “lonesome wolf”. Everything becomes easier when supporting each other and respectfully appreciating the fellow actors. Thank you for this marvelous time!

Christoph Dostal
Maria Nicoleta Soilică

Christoph has an incredible skill of activating the inner entrepreneur of the actors he coaches. He guides to self-confidence and self-responsibility in ones perspective on his career. His work is done in such a fun and positive manner, that you have no other option but staying open to learning and discovering. He offered us his personal experience as an example, helping us to gain insight into the journey ahead, and teaching us the tools we might use, to help us navigate it. If I would put all that I learned in one sentence, it would be: each experience is individual, and human quality and professionalism is your best bet in winning the race. I’m truly grateful for the time I learned from you, Christoph! Through your example, I thought: yes, I can too :)

Christoph Dostal
Anna Zöch

Working with Christoph was very inspiring. His coaching skills are absolutely tangible and concrete which has the effect that one’s self tape performance turns out exceptionally. With his sensitive gaze and respectful work ethic he manages that one feels free and relaxed in front of the camera and therefore (re-)discovers the enthusiasm for our profession. Moreover he provides a comprehensive insight into the American and international film and TV industry and encourages everyone to never give up. A coach who motivated me to utilize my full potential and to keep working on my craft. Thank you Christoph for the awe-inspiring coaching!

Christoph Dostal
Sophia Gorgi

With his respectful and inspiring nature Christoph Dostal managed to create a kind of safe space in which every actor/actress can develop freely and push their own boundaries. It was a lot of fun to be a part of that journey and to learn from Christoph and his longtime experience in the industry. The collaborative creativity and the acquired know-how I cherish as something lasting and enriching. Thank you so much!

Christoph Dostal
Noemi Sophia Buttinger

Christoph Dostal really helped me to develop new on-camera acting skills. He has got an amazingly inspiring and positive way of coaching. I have already taken numerous "on camera courses” as I have lived and worked as an actress in L.A. and NYC amongst other places. However, Christoph manages to build a bridge between the American and the European market and to focus on the best of both. I found his course extremely exciting and informative. THANK YOU CHRISTOPH!

Christoph Dostal
Alexandru Toderascu

There are some encounters in life with remarkable people, who can leave a lasting impression on you through their positive energy, knowledge, tactfulness, experience, sense of humor, an impressive life story and especially their willingness to also share these qualities with you. Christoph is such a person. During his course I got some valuable insights into the world of international show business and I was initiated into the acting in front of - and FOR - the camera. He encouraged me in a very professional and efficient way to express my latent potential. I was impressed by the results and I am very grateful for this encounter.

Christoph Dostal
Monika Pallua

Christoph Dostal’s course was a lot of fun. I found his way of conveying know-how extremely congenial. He mainly gave practical (rather than merely theoretical) advice and even though I already knew a lot, I still learned a ton - especially regarding self tapes.

Christoph Dostal
Maria Mucha

I signed up for Christoph Dostal’s course with high expectations and these expectations were exceeded. It was a very intense course for me in which I learned a ton in a short amount of time and I outreached my own limits. Thank you!

Christoph Dostal
Raphaela Reindl

Christoph’s course was not just informative but also tremendously inspirational. Aside from teaching important on-camera acting techniques and countless helpful infos about the industry this course was encouraging and motivating. With his likable and affirmative kind Christoph establishes a fascinating working atmosphere to learn, experiment and develop collectively. I am very glad I took this course as it was a major enhancement, both professionally and humanly. Thank you so much Christoph for the inspiration and the invaluable tips.

Christoph Dostal
Nina Fog

Christoph, you gave us access to the SKILL and business of acting, and at the same time took your time to delve into each of our personal potentials, which is invaluable!

Christoph Dostal
Alexander Höllisch

Christoph shares in his course real-world-solutions as well as theoretical input in regards to the film and TV industry. He gives a good overview also for theater actors who are new to film and TV. In doing so, we always had the feeling that Christoph cared about every actor in the group. He worked with us on eye-level and with a great deal of humanness. Thank you for the amazing and inspiring collaboration with you!

Christoph Dostal
Marlene Plank

Der Camera Acting Workshop war ein augenöffnendes Erlebnis. Mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen, einem großen Wissensschatz und einer ansteckenden Begeisterung schafft Christoph Dostal es, das Beste aus einer Performance herauszuholen!

Christoph Dostal
Andrea Beatrix Schramek

Christoph Dostal bringt seine Erfahrungen und Kompetenz als international tätiger Schauspieler und Coach direkt aus Hollywood nach Österreich. Was für ein Geschenk! Einblicke in den Hollywood-Schauspieler-Markt, Tipps, was man bei Castings immer und was niemals sagen sollte, sein großzügiges Teilen einfacher Tricks mit großer Wirkung…

Christoph Dostal
Peter Windhofer

Nach Jahren im Business war der klare und pointierte Blick von Christoph Dostal in Theorie und Praxis eine große Bereicherung und Motivation, etablierte und festgefahrene Muster neu zu sehen und vor allem auch neu zu denken. Vielen Dank!

BusinessChristoph Dostal
Nahoko Fort

Ich schätze Christoph nicht nur als Schauspieler und Schauspiel Coach, sondern auch als Menschen sehr. Er ist liebevoll, großzügig, friedvoll, geduldig und doch voller Leidenschaft.

Christoph Dostal